Vercel is the platform for frontend developers, providing the speed and reliability innovators need to create at the moment of inspiration.
Explore the vercel way
Build when inspiration strikes
Free developers from time-consuming, unnecessary processes that slow your work, so you and your team can focus on creating.
The complete toolkit for the Web
Everything you need to build your site exactly how you imagine, from automatic API handling to built-in image and performance optimizations.
Easy integration with your backend
Connect your pages to any data source, headless CMS, or API and make it work in everyone’s dev environment.
End-to-end testing on Localhost
From caching to Serverless Functions, all our cloud primitives work perfectly on localhost.
Works with 30+ frameworks
Push to deploy
Every deploy automatically generates a shareable live preview site that stays up-to-date with your changes.
Automatic Previews for every branch
Each new branch receives a live, production-like URL that everyone on your team can visit.
Collaborative reviews on UI
Comment directly on components, layouts, copy, and more in real context and real time, integrated seamlessly with GitHub and Slack.
Commenting is now available →
Delight every visitor
Speed is critical to customers — and SEO
Next.js and Vercel work together to deliver the best performance for your end users, while maintaining best-in-class SEO practices.
Built on cutting-edge serverless technology, Vercel can withstand any traffic spike, with automatic failover and global replication of assets.
Global Edge Network
Your site, fast everywhere. Deploy content around the world and update it in 300ms.
First-party monitoring and observability
Analyze logs, understand traffic and usage, and easily optimize your applications, without extra tooling or code.
Now available for Pro and Enterprise customers →
requests per week
data served
guaranteed uptime